There is a very wise woman I know who goes by the name of Mel Robbins who shares all kinds of wisdom. One such nugget is, 'just let them'. (I hear she is writing a book about said topic and I can't wait to read it!).
The basic idea: when stuff happens, just release it. Things like ... Your friend cancels booked travel plans with you - just let her. They don't select you for the part - just let them. Someone takes your parking spot - just let them. They don't invite you to the event - just let them. I mean, all of these examples are out of your control, so why get all riled up about it? Instead, look for the other opportunities... I am taking the trip by myself! I can submit other applications and get a part! I can find another parking spot! I can pursue another fun activity! Now, I will admit, this takes some practice and some situations are more challenging then others and require a bit more then a hair toss to move on 🤣 but I have used this technique after I start with recognizing my feelings of sadness / anger / disappointment and it helps me with less ruminating (which does this adventure broad no good!). I challenge you to try it out because life is way too short to be fretting over things that are out of your control, right?!
Over the past month's, I've been thinking about how I could invest in myself. It's not a message that I recsaved over the years to do such a thing, quite the contrary. It has been over the last 5 plus years I really invested in my happiness and my relationships by taking all kinds of chances. With each chance, each risk, I have taken I have been led to amazing things ranging from meeting incredible humans, to learning, to feeling energized more and more in my later years.
As a woman, and dare I say a woman of a certain age, the messaging isn't about how can you live your fullest life by investing in your happiness. As I approach my 60th year this November, I think about the adventures, the connections, the learning, I want to invest in for the rest of my life. I mistakenly thought there was a big rush often saying to anyone in conversation I have about 20 good years left in my life and in doing so, it put this sense of urgency that really wasn't about investing my time wisely. Instead, a wise investment with a coach has helped me realize that yes there is ample opportunity to explore and learn but really, there's no rush. My question for you today is, how do you invest in yourself? Do you go out and explore, learn, connect? When I look at this photo of me as a very young girl, I had no idea that at 59 years old I would be living a life of my choosing and a life full of adventure. I don't live a life of regret, yet had I known at that tender age that opportunity to invest in myself with lead to great things, you bet I would have done so! These days, given the chance, I hope to inspire the women in my life to invest time and energy in living lives of their choosing. I mean, being a broad on adventure is a whole lotta fun! |
AuthorLet's create a BIG life one small adventure at a time! Here are a few of my experiences - perhaps you may find a little nugget or two that inspires you to take your own baby step to living your dreams! Archives
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